Friday, April 17, 2015

Guide to Asphalt 8 Full unlock the car, upgrade!

Guide to Asphalt 8 Full unlock the car, upgrade!

Guide to Asphalt 8 Full unlock the car, upgrade!
Note: This hack will make you have to play from the beginning but has full + upgrade, this is just a hack much money but also, later purchase car
Proof Unlock Car
proof car 1proof car 2proof car 3proof car 4proof car 5proof car 6
PREPARATION: asphalt 8 on win 8 (not connected with facebook) asphalt 8 on WindowsPhone 8 (not connected on facebook)
1. Download CE (cheat engine) here
2. Now we hack asphalt win 8 out of 8 in advance.
3. Hack:
Quick Guide: CE turned ago, on a8, then back to the CE.
click on the computer under the text file.
select asphalt8_win8.exe
to race the first round, when we first crash, pause the game,
Click on CE 1, first press the scan.
keep doing so until the 4th car.
then ctrl + a, click on the red arrow red
set value is how much you want (number value will be the amount of laps you later when you crashed the car).
racing all round it, take the money.
4.Login no facebook, login is complete it will ask local clound data or data.
5.Selected local data.
6.Shutdown pc, open again, go to asphalt 8, facebook login site, in which it asks local or clound, choose local.
7.Go to asphalt 8 on windows phone, open a8, connect facebook (facebook account and one with asphalt 8 on win 8 )
8.Asked local data or data, select clound data. Done! Already Hack Asphalt 8 ;)